Re- check MY views on LEARNING @ the END of the COURSE


PINK ( T. Malou) 19.5.2013

Re- REading 23.5.2013

For me, learning must be a personal and innate. It is NOT by force or intimidation from others that would make me change my preconceived ideas, concepts or even my behavior. (Put a tab on this and re check if you still maintain this assertion by the end of the course. Watch out for theoretical justifications to validate your stance/s.)

It would definitely be hard and challenging to give up familiar and comfortable ways of doing things {this is why change and development are difficult, why habits are difficult to break, and good policies find strong resistance.}.

According to the Academy of Management Learning and Education- “Conflict, differences and dis agreement are what drives learning process” In order  for me to learn effectively I must engage in a process of learning wherein I need to move back and forth between opposing modes of reflection & action, feeling & thinking. 

But, if I personally believe and discern that NEW knowledge and skill gives meaning of growth and improvement then I embrace and endure the whole learning process.

1 Response to Re- check MY views on LEARNING @ the END of the COURSE

  1. I agree with T.Malou’s comment on your first paragraph. And I agree with your last phrase “I embrace and endure the whole learning process.”
    We learn in different ways and not necessarily by choice. We don’t always have control over everything. In fact, if there’s one thing we should not control, it’s learning. We must always be open to learning (just not the illegal and immoral ones, hehe) 🙂

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